The Importance of Automation Testing in DevOps Pipeline

Automation Testing

DevOps is one of the most important components of the modern automation testing infrastructure. With the proper implementation of a DevOps pipeline, the developers can enhance the reliability, speed, and consistency of the software delivery and development process. Some of the most important DevOps principles include continuous testing, continuous integration, and continuous feedback. The ultimate goal of this process is to create high-quality applications with a streamlined development approach. The developers can also use an automation testing tool to integrate both the development and testing processes at the same time. It helps eliminate bugs as soon as they arise in the core infrastructure of the application.

So, with this article, we are going to justify the importance of integrating automation testing in the DevOps pipeline. We will also analyze the contribution of various automation testing tools in simplifying the testing efficiency and enhancement of testing quality. Finally, we will conclude our discussion by analyzing the role of various cloud-based platforms in modern automation testing.

Exploring Automation Testing

Contrary to previous testing practices, it is almost impossible to verify the proper functioning of modern apps by completely relying on automation testing. This is because modern apps consist of thousands of different elements that need to be verified individually. So, with the implementation of automation testing, the app developers can run the test cases automatically using automation test scripts. These scripts will provide all the required information to emulate human interactions while communicating with the app. The developers can also make required changes in the test data to customize the reports according to the app.

The proper implementation of automation testing provides the following advantages in a modern testing environment:

  • Using test automation, the developers can automatically run all the repetitive test cases and focus on the creative areas of the app development project. For instance, they can create new features that can be rolled out in a subsequent app update.
  • Using automation testing, the app developers can also integrate various tools, platforms, and plugins which will have a significant role in improving the quality of the application undergoing the development project.
  • Since automation test cases run completely on the capabilities of the system, it is not affected by human knowledge limitations and can work 24 hours around the clock.
  • Automation testing also has a significant role in boosting the economy of the company. This is because it will eliminate the requirements of setting up and maintaining a human testing team.

What is a DevOps Pipeline

During the early years, the app developers believed that the development process must be separated into 3 individual stages namely the development phase, the testing phase, and the production phase. However, it became quickly clear that these processes massively slowed down the application life cycle. This is because whenever a critical bug was detected in the app, it had to be rolled back to the development phase for conducting the development process. On the other hand, using the DevOps Pipeline, the app developers can simultaneously conduct the development and testing processes.

Other than collaborating on the application development process, the operation professionals can also collaborate during the deployment of the code and product management. In a typical scenario, the DevOps pipeline is divided into 8 different stages. We can divide the development phase into planning, coding, building, and testing phases. On the other hand, we can classify the operation phase into releasing, deploying, operating, and monitoring phases.

Role of Automation testing in DevOps Pipeline

To justify the role of automation testing in the proper execution of the DevOps pipeline, we have created a list of some of the most important areas that benefit from the integration of automation testing:

  • Improvement of Speed and Efficiency: With the implementation of automation testing, app developers can massively boost the speed and efficiency of the CI pipeline. This is because test automation helps the rapid execution of test cases. So, the combined infrastructure will ensure that all the software changes are tested and deployed as soon as possible. This is one of the primary goals for the implementation of DevOps. DevOps also focuses on not only improving the efficiency of test cases but also uplifting its quality.
  • Presence of Consistency: Modern apps consist of thousands of different elements that need to be tested. So, while working with such a complex infrastructure, consistency is one of the most important components that needs to be harvested. Proper implementation of test consistency and reproductivity helps reduce the risk of human errors and ensures that every code change can be used for executing the same setup of test cases. The use of testing consistency also has a key role in uplifting the stability and reliability of the application undergoing the development project.
  • Availability of Continuous Feedback: With the implementation of continuous testing, the app developers can constantly monitor the functioning of the application. This process helps implement continuous feedback to detect errors as soon as they arise in the core infrastructure of the application. This means the app developers can quickly take action and ensure that the faulty elements do not hamper the other components of the app. This process helps to reduce the cost associated with fixing errors at a later phase of the application development process.
  • Implementation of Regression Testing: Regression testing is one of the key components of the modern application testing and development cycle. This is because all the new elements can harm the existing elements. So with the implementation of regression testing, the app developers can ensure that not only their elements are functional but also maintain their stability when combined with the older components. Since Regression testing needs to be implemented after every code change, the developers can massively benefit from the introduction of automated testing.
  • Use of Parallel Test Cases: While verifying the functioning of the apps individually, it would take several months to complete the entire test suite. On the other hand, parallel testing can run multiple such test instances at the same time enabling the developers to complete the entire test suit within a few days. By integrating parallel testing with the DevOps pipeline, the application developers can constantly collaborate with the testing team for faster deployment of the test cases.
  • Integration of Cloud Platforms: Modern cloud platforms help execute all the test cases on remote servers removing the hassle of physical test benches and device labs. Moreover, cloud platforms like LambdaTest allow the integration of additional features for further improving the quality of the app undergoing the development process. Some of the major advantages of using a cloud platform include the elimination of Geolocation barriers, integration of legacy devices, and access to thousands of devices at the same time.
  • Efficient Resource Management: Since automation test cases do not rely on the involvement of human developers, the app developers can schedule the test cases to run even on non-business days. This process helps to use the available resources more efficiently and saves a lot of time in the application testing process. By implementing this process, the app developers can also ensure that the app testing process does not interfere with the regular development and operation work of the company.
  • Reduction of Risk: With the integration of automation testing, app developers can massively reduce the risk of releasing a faulty application. This is because automation test cases rigorously verify the functioning of every element present in the app. It also helps reduce possibilities for costly downtimes and security vulnerabilities. The proper integration of automation testing also helps reduce app crashes after release and prevents a negative impact on the image of a company.
  • Documentation: All the modern automation testing tools come with elaborate documentation that provides all the required information for installing, configuring, and executing the automation test cases. Moreover, the automation test cases also act as documentation for the expected behavior of the app undergoing the development process. 

LambdaTest and How it Acts as an Automation Testing Tool

Modern automation test cases can benefit a lot from the integration of cloud-based testing. This process helps run the test instances on thousands of different real devices using remote servers. Certain platforms like LambdaTest also provide an artificial intelligence integrated for initiating and executing the test cases. While using LambdaTest for executing automation test cases, the developers can import the testing scripts from various well-known frameworks like Selenium, Appium, and Playwright.

Let us now briefly understand how the integration of LambdaTest API with the LambdaTest cloud platform boosts modern automation testing:

  • Using LambdaTest, the application developers can run the automation test cases on thousands of different devices and browser instances including legacy devices and older browser versions.
  • The LambdaTest API also helps boost regression testing as it can automatically initiate the test cases whenever it detects any code changes in the application infrastructure.
  • LambdaTest also allows the developers to execute the automation test cases in a parallel configuration. This means that with this platform, it is possible to initiate multiple test instances on different configurations and machines at the same time. The following code will allow the developers to execute parallel testing with LambdaTest API:
  • While working with Selenium test cases, LambdaTest can execute the test instances on more than 3000 different browser versions at the same time. Moreover, the integration of Selenium Grid allows the execution of cross-browser testing on web applications.
  • After executing the test cases, LambdaTest generates a detailed test report that consists of various valuable information like test activity logs, screenshots, and videos that are automatically captured during the execution process. Using this information, the app developers can take all the required steps on faulty elements in the application.
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  • The official documentation of LambdaTest provides important information in simple languages along with sample test cases. It also has a support system consisting of over-the-phone support, live chat, and an option to send email. Using all these options, the developers can get adequate information about various tools, features, and methods available with LambdaTest. LambdaTest also maintains a community where the testers and developers can discuss important issues.

The Final Verdict

With this article, we aim to justify the integration of automation testing with the modern DevOps pipeline. While initiating test automation, the developers must emphasize the importance of choosing the perfect automation testing tool according to their preferences and the requirements of the app development project. Constantly monitoring the target audience will also allow the developers to gain adequate information about their requirements. So, all this information will have a massive role in customizing the app to cater to a wider range of end users. 

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