Top online utilities for developers and testers

utility tools

Software utility tools are computer programs that are designed to perform specific tasks or functions to help users manage, maintain, and optimize their systems. These tools are often used to perform functions that are not directly related to the core functionality of a particular software application but are still helpful in managing and improving the performance of a computer system. 

Some of the software utility tools provided by LambdaTest are given below. LambdaTest is a cloud-based platform that provides a range of software utility tools for testing and debugging web applications. The platform allows users to test their web applications on a variety of different browsers and operating systems, helping developers ensure the compatibility and functionality of their applications on different platforms. It also provides support for different test automation tools and frameworks like Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, and more.

  1. Find and replace string

Find and replace string utility tools are useful for a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Updating code or text with new values or formatting  
  • Correcting spelling mistakes or typos
  • Standardizing formatting
  • Localizing software or website content
  • Extracting or manipulating data
  1. HTML Escape

HTML escape is a technique used to represent special characters in HTML code. HTML uses special characters to represent certain symbols or formatting elements. When these special characters are used in the text that will be displayed on a web page, they need to be escaped so that they are not interpreted as HTML code.

This tool allows you to enter a string of text and escape any special characters that are contained within it. Simply type or paste your text into the input field, and the tool will generate the escaped HTML code.

  1. HTML Unescape

It is an online tool that converts HTML escape characters back to their original character representations.

To use an HTML unescape utility tool, you simply need to provide the escape code or the escaped character and the tool will convert it back to its original character representation. This can be useful when working with HTML code or when trying to troubleshoot issues with HTML code.

  1. Difference Checker ( String)

A difference checker (string) utility tool compares two strings and identifies the differences between them. It can be used to compare two pieces of text, two pieces of code, or two strings in any other context.

This tool can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as identifying and fixing errors in code, comparing versions of a document to see what changes have been made, and comparing the content of two different files or documents. They can save time and effort by quickly highlighting the differences between two strings, rather than having to manually compare them.

  1. Shuffle Letters

This utility tool rearranges the letters in a given word or phrase to create a new word or phrase. This can be done randomly or according to certain rules or patterns.

It can provide a quick and easy way to come up with new ideas or variations on a word or phrase.

  1. Shuffle Text Lines

These tools typically allow you to input a piece of text and then rearrange the lines in that text to create a new version. 

It can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as creating text-based puzzles or games, shuffling the order of items in a list, or simply for fun. It can provide a quick and easy way to rearrange the lines of a piece of text without having to manually cut and paste them.

  1. Sorting List

This tool rearranges the items in a list in a particular order. This can be done alphabetically, numerically, or according to other criteria.

It can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as organizing a list of items for easier reference, preparing data for analysis or visualization, or simply organizing a list in a more logical or coherent manner.

  1. String Split by Delimiter

It is an online tool that splits a string into smaller substrings based on a specified delimiter. A delimiter is a character or sequence of characters that separates the substrings in the original string.

String split by delimiter utility tools can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as parsing data from a file or database, extracting information from a string, or simply breaking a long string into smaller, more manageable chunks. 

They can save time and effort by automatically splitting a string into substrings based on the specified delimiter, rather than having to manually split the string.

  1. Text Lowercase

This tool is used to convert a piece of text to lowercase, meaning that all of the letters in the text are changed to lowercase letters. 

To use a text lowercase utility tool, you simply need to provide the tool with the text that you want to convert to lowercase, and the tool will do the rest. 

  1. Text Uppercase

A text uppercase utility tool is a tool that allows you to convert text to uppercase, which means that all of the letters in the text will be in uppercase form.

This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as ensuring that text is consistently formatted, making text easier to read or search, or simply for aesthetic reasons.

  1.  Text Repeater

With the aid of a text repeater tool, a user can enter a block of text and choose how many times it should be repeated. The text will then be output by the tool the designated number of times. 

This kind of tool can be helpful for many different things, such as creating sample data for testing or filling out forms with repetitive data. Additionally, certain text repeater software could let users alter the text’s case or add a separator to the output.

  1.  Text Rotator

When using a text rotator tool, a user can enter a list of text elements and choose how many times the list should be rotated. The tool will then output the list with the items shifted left or right the specified number of times.

This type of tool can be useful for organizing lists or creating rotations of items for various purposes. Some text rotator tools may also allow users to customize the output by changing the order of the items or adding separators between the items.

  1. Decimal to Roman

A decimal to Roman numeral converter is a utility tool that allows a user to input a decimal number (a number expressed using the base-10 system) and convert it to a Roman numeral (a number expressed using the Roman numeral system). The Roman numeral system uses a combination of letters from the Latin alphabet to represent numbers. 

  1.  Character Count

A character count tool lets users enter text and counts the characters in the entered text. The program calculates the total number of characters in the text by counting the letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces.

This kind of tool can be helpful for a number of tasks, such as comparing the length of various texts or verifying that the length of a text satisfies a particular condition.

  1. Word Count

A word count tool accepts text input and counts the words in the text. The tool calculates the total number of words by counting the number of distinct linguistic units that are separated by spaces or other punctuation. 

  1.  Line Counter

A line counter tool allows a user to input a piece of text and display the number of lines in the text. A line of text is a sequence of characters that ends with a line break, which is typically represented by a newline character or a carriage return. 

The line counter counts the number of lines in the text and displays the total number of lines.

  1. Sentence Count

This tool counts the number of sentences in a piece of text. A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought and is typically punctuated with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. The sentence count tool counts the number of sentences in the text and displays the total number of sentences.

  1.  URL Parse

A URL parse tool  allows a user to input a URL and displays the individual components of the URL. The tool breaks down the URL into its protocol, domain name, path, query string, and other parts and displays the values of these components separately.

  1.  JSON Escape

This tool enables a user to input a string of text and convert any special characters in the string to their escape sequences. Escape sequences are a series of characters that represent a special character in a string literal. 

  1.  JSON Unescape

JSON unescape is the process of converting escape sequences in a string back to their original characters. In the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, which is a widely used data interchange format, certain characters must be escaped in order to be correctly represented in a string.

This tool helps in the conversion of escaped HTML content to plain JSON content.

  1.  Extract Text From HTML

This utility allows a user to input an HTML document or webpage and extract the human-readable text from the HTML. The tool removes all the HTML tags and attributes and displays the resulting text.

  1.  Extract Text From JSON

This tool enables a user to input a JSON document or API response and extract the human-readable text from the JSON. The tool removes all the JSON syntax and displays the resulting text.

Extracting text from a JSON document can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as extracting specific information from an API response or storing data in a structured format. It is often used in web development and data processing tasks.

  1.  Extract Text From XML

This tool extracts the human-readable text from the XML. XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language used to represent structured data in a human-readable format. It consists of a series of tags and attributes that specify the structure and content of the data, as well as the relationships between different elements.

  1.  Strip HTML

This online tool removes all the HTML tags and attributes from the HTML document and displays the resulting text, which consists of the human-readable content of the HTML document without the formatting and structure provided by the HTML tags.

  1. JSON Validator

This tool is used to check the syntax and structure of a JSON document to ensure that it is well-formed and conforms to the JSON specification. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used data interchange format that represents data as a set of key-value pairs. It is often used to transmit data between a server and a web application or to store data in a structured format.


Many testers have found all of these tools to be helpful in easing their laborious and repetitive tasks. Tools only give you a road; ultimately, you must take the path yourself.

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